Studies Regulations



Art. 1

1. Studies at the University of Ecology and Management (WSEiZ) in Warsaw are conducted on the grounds of the regulations in force, in particular:

1) Act of July 20th, 2018 – Higher Education Law, hereinafter referred to as the Act;

2) Statute of the University of Ecology and Management (WSEiZ) in Warsaw, hereinafter referred to as the Statute;

3) Studies Regulations of the University of Ecology and Management (WSEiZ) in Warsaw, hereinafter referred to as the Regulations.

2. These regulations apply to students of all majors, levels and educational profiles as well as of all forms of studies conducted at the University of Ecology and Management (WSEiZ) in Warsaw, hereinafter referred to as the "University”.

3. The Regulations determine the organisation of the studies as well as the related rights and obligations of student at the University.

4. The term "Rector" used in the Regulations refers to the Rector of the University.

5. The term "dean" used in the Regulations refers to the dean of the faculty, at which the student studies.

6. The term “student” used in the Regulations refers to a person that has the rights of student at the University.

Art. 2

1. Admission to the University takes place through:

1. recruitment process, 2. confirmation of educational effects,

3. transfer from other university or foreign university.

2. Admission to the University takes place after registration on the list of students.

3. Relevant rules and conditions of admission to the University are defined in the Act and regulations of admission established by the University Senate.

Art. 3

1. A student receives student's rights after taking an oath.

2. The oath is: "I solemnly swear to make strenuous efforts in acquiring knowledge and in personal development, to respect the University authorities and its whole community, to respect academic laws and customs and to care for dignity and honour of the student of University of Ecology and Management (WSEiZ) in Warsaw”.

3. All students are bound to follow the oath defined in section 2.

4. Student receives a student identity card.

5. The rights of a student of the University are lost due to:

1) the completion of studies, subject to section 6.,

2) transfer to another university,

3) deletion from the list of students.

6. Person who has completed the first cycle of studies, retains the student’s rights until October 31st of the year in which studies has been completed, with the exception of the right to financial assistance referred to in the Article 86, paragraph 1, points 1-4 of the Act.


Art. 4

1. The Rector is the superior of all employees and students at the University.

2. The Rector may authorize the vice-rector to make decisions on his/her behalf.

3. Organizational units of University that conduct courses of studies are Faculties. dean conducts the Faculty.

4. The student may appeal to the Rector against dean’s decision (with reservation of point 5). The appeal is submitted via the dean’s office within 14 days of receipt of the decision. Rector's decision is definitive.

5. After receiving dean’s decision about deletion from the list of students caused by reasons mentioned in Art. 24, point 2 (issued with Rector’s authorisation) student may submit a request to Rector, to review the decision.


Art. 5

1. The students at the University establish the students’ self-government.

2. The students’ self-government is the exclusive representative of all University students.

3. The students’ self-government acts under the regulations of the students’ self-government. The regulations of the students’ self-government come into force, after its conformance with law and the University Statute is confirmed by Rector.

4. Students' self-government conducts activities in the field of student affairs, including social-living and cultural matters.

5. Students’ self-government participates in the distribution of financial resources for material support for students, gives opinion on study programs, gives opinions on fees charged to students, agree on study regulations.


Art. 6

1. Studies at the University are conducted on the basis of programmes of studies established under provisions of the Act.

2. The educational programmes for each faculty and cycle of studies are published on the University website on BIP (Public Information Bulletin) within 14 days from their approval. Any changes in the programmes that will occur during a cycle of studies will be published not later than one month before the beginning of the semester they concern. Programmes of studies are published also on University’s website.

3. The studies curriculum defines subjects, examinations and completion criteria which are binding during the course of study and contains the settlements for each form of studies (full-time and part-time) concerning:

1) duration of studies,

2) order of completion of the subjects

3) number of hours organized by University for each subject,

4) number of ECTS points assigned to each subject, which are a measure of the average amount of workload of the student that are necessary to obtain educational effects,

5) form of subject: lecture, recitation classes, practical classes of design, laboratory classes,

6) number of hours and timetable of practical placements as well as amount of ECTS points assigned to them.

4. The classes may be conducted using remote teaching methods and technologies.

5. The semester study schedule defines names of subjects, academic teachers, time and location of the classes.

6. The study schedule is published on the University websites before commencement of the classes.

7. The students admitted to the University as a result of approving the educational results, take the individual programme of studies under the academic supervision.

8. The confirmation of the educational effects is specified by the Senate of the University.

9. Persons referred to in the Article 8 will be included into the regular mode of study, separate educational programmes will not be created for them.

Art. 6a

1. The University shall take measures to eliminate barriers to access to education for persons with disabilities by enabling them to participate fully in the didactic process and in the social, scientific and cultural life of WSEiZ.

2. Solutions for persons with disabilities are implemented taking into account the principle of not reducing the substantive requirements for these students and consist, in particular, in removing architectural barriers and adapting the organization and conduct of the educational process to the special needs of students who are persons with disabilities, taking into account the type of disability. These actions may include, if justified, among others:

1) the rules of participation in didactic classes,

2) the use of own or borrowed from the WSEiZ assistive devices in accordance with the regulations of the rental of assistive equipment for persons with disabilities,

3) change of the dates for credits or examinations,

4) the rules of organization and conduct of credits and examinations, e.g. by changing a written credit/examination into an oral or oral into a written one, extending the duration of a credit/examination, using appropriate technical devices to enable a student to undertake a credit/examination.

3. Decisions regarding solutions mentioned in paragraph 2. shall be made by dean at a written request of student, after obtaining opinion of the Rector’s Plenipotentiary for persons with disabilities.

4. The dean may, at the request of the student, adjusting the organization and implementation of the educational process, authorize the use of audio or video recording devices, after the student has made a declaration of non-infringement of copyright and use of recorded materials for private use only.

5. With the permission of the dean, sign language interpreters may participate in classes, as well as assistants for persons with disabilities or special needs implementing support.

6. An Office for Persons with Disabilities operates at the University. Its duties include analyzing, reviewing and initiating the implementation of solutions to facilitate the study for persons with disabilities, as well as reviewing applications for individual organization of studies.

7. Students with a certified disability̨ or health problems otherwise documented, at their request, are also entitled to other forms of support than those listed in paragraphs 2, 4 and 5, coordinated by the Office for Persons with Disabilities.

Art. 7

1. Classes, credits and examinations, diploma degree theses and diploma degree examinations may be conducted in a foreign language. The decision in this matter is made by dean.

2. The diploma thesis may be prepared and the final examination may be conducted in a foreign language also on request of the student upon dean's consent in agreement with the promoter.

3. If all of the classes of the subject are held in a foreign language, the credits are also given and the exams are also conducted in this language.

4. The student must attach a detailed summary in Polish if he or she prepares a diploma thesis in foreign language.

Art. 8

1. An academic year commences on October 1st and lasts until September 30th of the following calendar year. The classes may start before October 1st.

2. The scheduled classes are divided into two semesters: winter semester and summer semester.

3. The schedule of classes for an academic year is established by the Rector. The schedule contains, in particular, the terms of the commencement and the end of classes, class-free exam periods and vacations are specified.

4. Rector by his/her decision defines the winter, spring and summer vacations, and provides at least four weeks of continuous summer vacation.

5. During the academic year Rector may define class-free days or hours for the University students.

6. The schedule of classes for the academic year is announced on the University’s websites before June 30th of the preceding academic year.


Art. 9

1. The student has the right to:

1) transmission and validation of his/her ECTS points

2) study with individual educational programme

3) justify the absence from classes, to leave of absence from studies and leave of absence with a possibility to verify the educational effects that are defined by programme of studies;

4) change a course of studies

5) change a form of studies to full time or part-time

6) take a committee exam when one member of the committee would be chosen by him/her.

7) retake classes in case of unsatisfying results, on terms specified in Regulations of studies,

8) protect his/her personal data, especially information about material status and grades obtained.

2. Pregnant or parenting student cannot be deny a permission for:

1) studying on a certain course and level of studies with individual educational programme until completion of studies (in case of full-time studies)

2) a leave referred to in paragraph 1, point 3.

3.Parenting student applies for a leave, referred to in paragraph 1, point 3, within 1 year from birth of a child.

4. Persons entitled to a leave of absence referred to in chapter 1, point 3:

1) a pregnant student for a period of time until a birth of a child

2) a parenting student for 1 year since birth of a child. If leave ends during a semester, it can be extended until the end of that semester.

5. Student can apply for:

1) a social scholarship

2) a scholarship for a person with a disability

3) allowance

4) Rector’s scholarship

5) scholarship funded by local government unit

6) scholarship for academic or sports achievements financed by a natural person or a legal person who isn’t state or self-government legal person.

Art. 10

1. A student committed into research or implementation works may be released from attending some subject classes, related to the work carried out. The Student may be credited from practical classes or seminars, related to the work carried out, after possible completion of requirements defined in the teaching curriculum. The decision in this matter is made by the dean.

2. Student's participation in works at the scientific camp may be a basis for credit for a whole or a part of the practical placement, if the scientific camp schedule meets the requirements defined in the teaching curriculum for a given placement and enables achieving all or part of learning outcomes set for the placement. The decisions in this matter is made by the dean.

Art. 11

1. The student is obliged to follow the content of the oath and the Studies Regulations.

2. The basic obligations of a student include:

1) participation in the classes according to Studies Regulations;

2) presence on completion credits and exams, carrying out practical placement and meeting other requirements defined in the study course,

3) respect for about the property of the University,

4) punctual payment of fees and other charges,

5) regularly reading the information and news published on the website as well as via the IT system of the University, including e-mails send to student’s mailbox.

3. Student's failure to read regulations, decrees and decisions of the University authorities does not release the student from observing the standards they contain.

Art. 12

1. Student shall immediately notify the dean, in writing, about resignation from studies, change of the identity document, change of his or her surname or address (permanent, correspondence, e-mail), change of the phone number and material conditions if they have influence on granting material help or its amount.

2. A notice about change of the phone number or e-mail address may be entered by the student via the IT system of the University.

Art. 13

1. The student will suffer disciplinary punishment for breaching the law or breaking the regulations in force at the University and for an act offending the dignity of student.

2. The student's responsibility is determined by the disciplinary committee or disciplinary committee of appeal appointed in the composition and procedure specified in the University Statute.

3. The disciplinary punishments are:

1) written warning,

2) reproof,

3) reproof with warning,

4) suspension in defined student's right for the period of one year,

5) Expulsion from the University.

4. For a minor offense, the Rector may punish the student with a penalty of warning after

hearing the student or his counsel.

5. Student cannot be punished for the same offense simultaneously by Rector and the disciplinary committee.

6. The student punished by Rector or students’ self-government may appeal to the disciplinary committee of appeal within 14 days of receipt of the decision about punishment. In that case disciplinary committee may only punish student with a warning.

7. In case of suspicion that the student committed an act referred to in art. 287 paragraph 2 points 1-5 of the Act, Rector immediately conducts explanatory proceedings.

8. If results of proceedings indicate, that student has committed an act referred to in art. 287 paragraph 2 points 1-5 of the Act, Rector suspends the proceedings for granting a professional title until the statement is issued by the disciplinary committee and submits a notification about the suspicion of committing a crime.

9. In case of a justified suspicion that student has committed a crime, the Rector along with ordering explanatory proceedings may at the same time suspend student in student’s rights until the statement is issued by the disciplinary committee.

10. The parties may appeal against decision of the disciplinary committee

11. The parties may appeal to the disciplinary board of appeal within 14 days of receipt of the decision.

12. The parties may appeal against the decision of the disciplinary board of appeal to the administrative court.


Art. 14

1. Student is obliged to complete the practical placements that are compatible with his/her course, level and profile of studies.

2. The duration time and scope of the practical placements is laid down in the studies curriculum for each course, level and profile of studies.

3. The location of the practical placement should be consistent with the student's field of study.

4. Practical placements, except for paragraph 4a, may be carried out in an entity designated by the University or selected by the student, including an entity in which the student carries out professional activities, in particular as part of employment, internship or volunteer work, if the scope of activities and performed tasks corresponds to the purpose and program of the practical placements and enables the student to achieve the learning outcomes specified in the study program for practical placements.

4a. In the case of first-cycle study in the field of architecture, practical placements are carried out in accordance with educational standard preparing for the practice of the profession of architect, as defined by the minister responsible for higher education and science by means of a regulation.

5. On student’s request, dean may allow to change time of completion of the practical placements from the one specified in a schedule of studies.

6. The completion of practical placement can be accepted by dean if student can present documents confirming their completion and obtainment educational outcomes.

7. If the student breaches the work regulations on site of placement, the site may apply to the University with request to withdraw the student from placement.

8. Detailed terms of holding and organising practical placement may be a subject of separate regulations.


Art. 15

1. The credit period for a study term is a semester.

2. Time of exams and recognitions is defined by the dean. The student shall award a credit and pass the exams in the defined terms, unless the dean gives his/her consent to do so on the other date.

3. Recognition and examination from a subject must verify student's educational effects defined in the subject chart.

4. A recognition of lecture and a practical class of each subject takes place and is rated separately.

5. Unexplained absence at an exam or recognition shall result in the negative rating. The exams or recognition taken after this date shall be treated as a retake.

6. The student, for the purpose of explaining his/her absence at the exam (recognition), may submit a written justification of his/her absence, within 7 days of the date when the cause of absence ceased. The acceptance of justification is considered by the dean.

7. The student may have access to his/her papers, which are a basis for rating provided by the examiners within a month of announcing the results of exams or recognition.

8. If examiner states that student’s work is not unassisted, especially if student uses forbidden helps or devices, student fails the recognition or exam.

9. The student has right to one retake exam and one retake recognition of each subject.

10. In exceptional cases the dean may give his/her consent for a second retake of exam or recognition, however it may be organised on a date other than the those provided by the form of studies and schedule of the academic year.

11. Person conducting the subject classes defines a manner of recognition of this subject, taking into account the entries to the subject chart.

12. The results of the recognition process or exams are given to the students immediately after the recognition process or exam or are announced in the IT system of the University.

13. The course of the studies is recorded in the subject recognition protocols and in the student's periodic achievement chart issued in printed form of the electronic data.

14. The student has the electronic access to the documentation of the course of the studies via the IT system of the University. On student's request the University issues a confirmed output of the records of the course of the studies.

Art. 16

1. Student must be present at: practical classes (recitation classes, practical classes of design, laboratory classes) and other practical classes.

2. Presence at the practical classes (recitation classes, practical classes of design, laboratory classes) is also obligatory for students completing them within the repeated subject classes, unless the course tutor decides otherwise.

3. The student's absence of up to 20% of classes hours within a semester is admissible, unless it is provided otherwise in the rules of implementation of a given subject. Absences exceeding 20% are grounds for failing the class.

4. A ground for justifying the absence caused by a sickness is a medical certificate.

5. The acceptance of justification is considered by the course tutor. The student may appeal against the course tutor's decision to the dean. Dean's decision is definitive.

6. Student not present at the teaching classes shall catch up on the didactic material in a manner and within periods defined by the course tutor.

7. In case of justified absence exceeding a limit defined in paragraph 3, ability of continuing the course should be determined by the course tutor upon consulting the dean.

Art. 17

1. The following grading scale is used during the exams and recognition process:

1) very good (5),

2) good plus (4.5),

3) good (4),

4) satisfactory plus (3.5),

5) satisfactory (3),

6) fail (2).

2. In case of international relations (Erasmus+ program, transferring from foreign university etc) following scale is been used:

1) excellent (A) – stands for very good (5),

2) very good (B) – stands for good plus (4.5),

3) good (C) – stands for good (4),

4) satisfactory (D) – stands for satisfactory plus (3.5),

5) sufficient (E) – stands for satisfactory (3),

6) fail (FFX) – stands for fail (2).

3. The subjects completed without a grade are: diploma thesis consultation and completion, master's thesis consultation and completion, vocational internship, physical education, and health and safety training.

4. The student may be released from participation in the PE classes based on the medical certificate. Medical certificate is a basis for recognition of the PE classes.

5. The student may make a request for recognition of the PE classes in case of active participation in the physical classes outside of the University. Student shall attach a confirmation of participation in these classes to his/her request.

6. Decisions on recognition of the PE classes in cases mentioned in Art. 17, paragraphs 3 and 4 are made by dean.

7. The average grade for the whole course of studies includes all final grades achieved by the student from the subjects listed in the curriculum of studies, given within the scale defined in paragraph 1.

8. The student takes an exam or receives a recognition at the course tutor, in exceptional cases dean may assign other person to conduct the exam or the recognition process.

Art. 18

1. After receiving dean's consent the student may study at the same time second speciality at the University within the same major.

2. After receiving the Rector's consent the student may study simultaneously two majors at the University.

Art. 19

1. A student, who completed first semester of studies and whose grade point average from studies is higher than 4.0 may apply for individual study course in accordance with individual educational programme, hereinafter referred as the "IPS”.

2. Defining the IPS consist of extending the scope of knowledge or competences within the studied major or changing subjects within a given studied major, considering the learning outcomes defined in the regulations of law.

3. Request for granting IPS must be submitted to the competent dean until October 15th in the winter semester or until March 15th in the summer semester. The student starts studying in accordance with the IPS from a next semester beginning after submission of the request. The request should include a reasoning, proposal of changes in the study course and dates of subject recognition and exams as well as a consent of the future tutor to take the student under his/her academic auspices and opinion on the IPS.

4. Dean makes a decision on granting the IPS and assigning a tutor and defines detailed terms of study in accordance with individual study course.

5. Dean may cancel the decision on granting the IPS, if any of the following circumstances arise:

1) negative opinion of the tutor,

2) significant decrease of learning outcomes,

3) failure of execution of the programme on the defined dates.

Art. 20

1. On student's request dean may give his/her consent for study in accordance with individual organisation of studies, hereinafter referred as the "IOS”, for the following students:

1) with disabilities,

2) single rising a child,

3) other, who for particular reasons cannot study in the normal course.

2. The IOS offers possibility to define individual dates or manners of fulfilling student's obligations under the study course and educational programme.

3. Request for granting the individual organisation of studies should include the reasoning, proposal of manners of recognition and taking exams.

3a. Request for granting the individual organisation of studies for persons with disabilities is subject to the opinion of the Rector's Plenipotentiary for persons with disabilities.

4. Student may resign from individual organisation of studies, by submitting a proper request to dean.


Art. 21

1. Within 7 days of the date of announcement of the results of the retake exam, on request of the Student, who raises justified objection against the course of the examination or lack of impartiality in assessment, dean may decide to stipulate the reassessment of the examination before a board, which should take place within a month of the day of submission of the request.

2. The dean may stipulate reassessment by a board on his or her own initiative.

3. The dean decides on manner, form and date of the reassessment of the examination before a board and on all formal matters in this scope.

4. The composition of the board is determined by the dean and includes:

1) the dean or an academic teacher or other person conducting classes authorised by dean as the chairman, however the board cannot be presided by the person mentioned in section 4. item 2,

2) the examiner, who conducted the exam put in question by the student or the dean,

3) second specialist in the subject of the exam or the related speciality.

5. At the student's request the board may include a representative of the students self-government appointed by the student as an observer.

6. The reassessment board makes its decision by majority of votes.

7. Student, who did not sit for the reassessment of the examination before a board, is deleted from the student list or, if it is possible, should repeat a semester or a year.

8. The provisions of sections 1 – 7 apply also to the recognition process.


Art. 22

1. A requirement for recognition of the semester is achieving positive grades for all the exams and recognitions covered with the study course.

2. If the student fails to receive positive grades from exams and recognitions within the defined term, taking into account any retake exams, the dean may:

1) on written request of the student conditionally admit the student to the next semester in case of lack of recognition of some subjects, 2) direct the student to repeat the semester or year, 3) under the authority of the Rector, delete the student from the list of students.

3. Repetition of the subject within conditional admission is held based on a current subject curriculum and the examination and/or recognition requirements.

4. Deadline for submitting requests for conditional admission expires within 28 days of end of the retake exam period.


Art. 23

1. Student repeating a semester shall complete all the hitherto unrecognised subjects, scheduled for a given semester in the study course and complete any differences in the programme, if any change to the study course has occurred.

2. In the course of repeating a semester the student pays a fee in the full amount defined in the decision about fees and charges for educational services.

3. The student pays a fee for programme differences in the full amount defined in the decision about fees and charges for educational services.


Art. 24

1. The dean authorised by the Rector deletes a student from the student list, if he/she:

1) does not undertake the studies

2) made written resignation from the studies,

3) did not submit in a due term the thesis or diploma exam;

4) has been punished with a disciplinary punishment of expulsion from the University

2. The dean with the authorisation of the Rector can delete the student from the student list in the following cases:

1) stating lack of presence at the obligatory classes

2) stating the lack of progress in the learning process

3) not receiving recognition of a semester or a year within the determined term,

4) not paying the fees and charges for studies. 3. The deleted person shall have the right to refer to the Rector the application for reconsideration of the deletion with justification. 4. If the Rector accepts the application referred to in paragraph 3 the Rector re-enroll the person applying to the student's rights and imposes the duties to be fulfilled within a specified period. 5. The person reinstated in the student's rights by the Rector is obliged to fulfill all the obligations imposed, including payments the fees specified in the decision. 6. A person who, by virtue of a valid decision, has been deleted from the list of students, has the right to apply to the dean for resumption of studies. 7. The dean determines the conditions for the resumption of studies, including possible resuming examinations and financial conditions, and specifies the date of signing the contract. 8. A person who has fulfilled all the conditions imposed by the dean may sign the contract.

9. The student resuming the learning process is admitted to the semester of studies, not higher than the one, from which he/she has been expelled, whereas the student shall participate in the classes from the beginning of the semester.

10. After resuming the studies the student pays a fee in the current amount and the entry fee in the amount defined in the decision about fees and charges for educational services .

11. In case of repetition of a semester or year of study, continuation of studies after a leave or resuming the studies, the student shall complete possible programme differences, for which he/she pays a fee in the amount defined in the decision about fees and charges for educational services .


Art. 25

1. Student of the University may transfer to another university, provided that he/she fulfilled all his/her obligations under the regulations relevant at the University.

2. The student may transfer from another university, including foreign universities, to the University. The student may be enrolled for the semester following the semester resulting from the division by 30 ECTS points obtained before the transfer, or lower. 3. In the event of Student studying at the university that does not use the ECTS system before the transfer, the Student may be enrolled for a semester not higher than directly following the last one, fully credited before the transfer. 4. The terms and regulations and date of supplementing the arrears resulting from the study program, including program differences for a Student transferring or resuming studies, are determined by the dean of the receiving faculty.

5. The student may apply for a transfer and recognition of completion of classes recognised at another faculty of the University as well as at another university, including a foreign one, in accordance with common regulations of law and these Regulations. 6. The decision to transfer the Student's achievements is made at the Student's request by the dean, or in the case of individual subjects, the subject's instructor authorized by the dean, after getting acquainted with the Student's documentation of the course of studies at another faculty of the University or outside the University.

7. Requirement for transfer of classes recognised at another faculty of the University or at another university, including a foreign one, is confirmation of consistency of the learning outcomes achieved during the classes corresponding to the classes defined in the educational programme of the faculty, educational profile and speciality, at which the student studied with those, at which he/she is going to study.

8. In the admission unit at the University the Student receives such a number of the ECTS points, which is assigned to the learning outcomes received upon completion of the classes and practical placements in this unit.

9. The grade achieved by the student admitted as a result of a transfer is converted by the dean of the admitting faculty in accordance with the system used at the University.

10. The dean may give his/her consent to change:

1) Field of studies,

2) forms of studies (full-time or part-time).

11. if a major and/or form of studies is changed, the dean imposes an obligation of taking exams and receiving recognitions resulting from differences in educational programmes.

12. The provisions of items 3-9 also apply to transfers between faculties of the University.


Art. 26

1. The dean may grant a leave to the Student:

1) a short-term leave for less than one semester,

2) a long-term leave for semester or year.

2. The student has a right for a leave in case of:

1) long-term sickness,

2) pregnancy, birth or raising a child,

3) long-term practical placement,

4) other major life events.

3. After admitting the student to last semester of studies, a leave may be granted only in cases mentioned in section 2, items 1, 2 and 4.

4. The decision of granting a short-term or a long-term leave is made on student's request. The decision will be recorded in the IT system of the University.

5. Granting a leave extends the planned date of graduation from the studies and may impose on the student an obligation to receive a recognition of the programme differences defined by the dean.

6. During the duration of a leave of absence a student shall retain student rights (including valid student's identity card), except of right to participate in recitation classes, practical classes of design and laboratory classes as well as in recognition process and exams, unless it is provided otherwise by the dean in the decision on granting a leave.

7. During the leave period the student is exempted from the obligation to make the payments of tuition fee, that falls due within the leave period.

8. After the end of leave period the student is admitted to a semester not higher than the one, to which the Student was admitted, while submitting a request for a leave.


Art. 27

1. Student makes a choice of the diploma thesis in accordance with his/her major and speciality from the topic list provided by the dean not later than 10 months before the date of submission of the diploma thesis.

2. Diploma thesis shall be written under Supervisor’s supervision. 3. The Student has the right, in consultation with the Supervisor, to propose his own thesis topic in accordance with the field of study.

4. The topic and scope approved by supervisor are ratified by the dean of the faculty.

5. The student is obliged to submit in the relevant dean's office a diploma thesis approved by the supervisor, not later than:

– until March 31st – if the studies end in the winter semester,

– until September 30th – if the studies end in the summer semester.

6. At a request of the thesis supervisor or of the student the dean may, in the case of receiving positive grades from all the exams and recognitions listed in the study course, except for the diploma examination, extend the last semester for no longer than 12 months. 7. A student who did not submit a thesis after the deadline specified in paragraph 5 or the date specified by the dean pursuant to paragraph 6, is subject to the deletion procedure described in § 24, unless he obtains the dean's consent for repeating the last semester or year of study. 8. A student who has been expelled after obtaining positive grades from all exams and credits provided for the study program, except for submitting a diploma thesis, may resume studies and be directed to repeat the last semester or year of study.

Art. 28

1. The Supervisors of diploma thesis shall be appointed by the dean among the academic instructors having at least an academic title or degree of PhD.

2. On second cycle of studies dean may in agreement with Supervisor appoint a consultant of the thesis, who may be a person holding a title of a master and has an experience and achievements connected to the subject of the thesis.

3. On first cycle of studies with dean’s permission a Supervisor may be a person holding a title of a master and has experience and achievements connected to the subject of the thesis. 4. The evaluation of the diploma thesis is done separately by the thesis Supervisor - in the form of an opinion and by a reviewer, who may be a person holding at least a doctoral degree.

5. The reviewer shall be appointed by the dean, in the case of the dean being a Supervisor – by the Rector.

6. In case of discrepancies of assessment of the thesis, connected with a negative assessment of the diploma thesis by the supervisor or reviewer, the dean shall appoint another reviewer for the thesis; the admission to the diploma exam is decided by the dean upon consulting the second reviewer. 7. Written diploma theses are verified before the diploma exam using the Unified Anti-plagiarism System.


Art. 29

1. A student admitted to the diploma examination is required to:

1) pass all the exams, receiving recognition of all the subjects and practical placements defined in the study course,

2) receiving positive opinions of the supervisor ant the reviewer about the diploma thesis.

3) settle accounts with the University from all the payments and obligations, confirmed with signed clearance slip.

2. The diploma exam verifies knowledge, skills and competence achieved during the time of studies and is held by the commission appointed by a dean. The board consists of:

1) The chairperson of the board may be the dean or a person with academic title or an academic degree appointed by the dean,

2) Supervisor and/or a diploma thesis consultant if they have been appointed,

3) reviewer (reviewers),

4) other academic teacher or other person conducting the classes, if the supervisor or the reviewer is unable to participate in the board.

3. Also a representative of the social and economic environment may be appointed to the board (e.g. representative of the employers, representative of the branch self-government).

4. The date of the diploma examination is defined by the dean of the faculty, whereas it should take place within 3 months and after 2 weeks of the date of submitting the diploma thesis with complete documentation allowing for issuance of the diploma.

5. A final grade for the diploma thesis is given by the board by voting. In case of the discrepancy among the members of the examination board with the equal number of votes the chairperson has the casting vote.

6. The diploma exam is an oral exam.

7. The results of the diploma examination are determined by means of the grading scheme mentioned in Art. 17.

8. The course of the diploma examination is recorded in the protocol, which is signed by the chairperson and the members of the examination board.

9. If the student has failed the diploma examination or has failed to take the diploma examination for a not justified reason on the fixed date, the dean shall set another date as the final one.

10. If the student has failed the diploma examination on the second date, the dean shall decide to delete the student from the student list, unless the failure was caused by justified absence.

11. The student or the supervisor may submit a request to the dean to give his/her consent to conduct an open diploma examination. Such a request should be submitted no later than a month before the obligatory date of diploma examination. The dean gives his/her consent to conduct an open diploma examination, defining maximum number of people, who can stay in the room, where the exam is to be held, taking into account room capability and necessity to keep seriousness and order. All the terms of conducting the diploma examination apply to the open exam.

Art. 30

1. The graduation takes place on the day passing the diploma exam with at least satisfactory grade.

2. The graduate shall receive a higher education diploma, confirming receipt of the adequate title, with the diploma supplement.

3. The final grade from the studies is calculated with accuracy up to 2 spaces after comma and is based on the following components:

1) 60% of the average for the study course,

2) 20% of grade for the diploma thesis given by the board,

3) 20% of grade for the diploma examination.

4. A higher education diploma shall indicate the final result of the studies in accordance with the following rule:

1) up to 3.50 - satisfactory (3),

2) above 3.50 up to 3,80 - satisfactory plus (3.5),

3) above 3.80 up to 4.20 - good (4),

4) above 4.20 up to 4.50 - good plus (4.5),

5) above 4.40 - very good (5).

5. On request of the examination board the Rector may grant a distinction to a student, who in the course of study achieved an average higher than 4.60 and gained very good grades for the thesis and the diploma examination.

6. On request of the examination board the dean of the given faculty may grant to a student who wrote an excellent diploma thesis, a distinction of this thesis.

7. Detailed rules of diploma examination are specified in separate regulations.


Art. 31

The studies at the University are payable. Amount and terms of payments of fees for the studies are defined by the separate regulations.

Art. 32

The Rector defines types and terms of granting awards for excellent educational results.

Art. 33

The scholarship may be granted according to the rules indicated in the Regulations on financial assistance.

Art. 34

The Rector of the University is an authority having jurisdiction in matters not regulated in these Regulations and the instance of appeal against the dean's decision, unless the regulations of the act – Higher Education Law, the University Statute or these Regulations provide otherwise.

Art. 35

The Regulations come in force on the beginning of the academic year 2021/2022.